Questions to Ask Before Investing in a New HVAC System

When it comes to investing in a new HVAC system, there are a few essential questions to ask. First and foremost, you should inquire about the safety of the unit. Ask your contractor if the system poses any risks to you and your family. If the repair costs are high, consider how old the unit is; the average lifespan of an HVAC system is 15-20 years.

Smart features are not necessary when purchasing a new air conditioning or heating system, but they do provide a certain level of comfort and convenience that traditional systems don't have. It's important to get the right size for your home; if it's too big, you'll be wasting money and energy, and if it's too small, you won't be comfortable during the summer or winter months. Additionally, make sure that the ducts in your property are in good condition for optimal performance. Some air conditioning systems come with sensor-enhanced ventilation grilles that allow you to control the temperature of each individual room in your home using an app. You should also ask your contractor about the BTUs of heating and tons of air conditioning you need for the square footage of your home.

Smart sensors integrated into the air conditioning system collect data from each room and send it to software that coordinates with each ventilation. All air conditioning systems have a decibel (dB) rating, so make sure to ask about this as well; some noise levels are easier to live with than others. It's also wise to create a maintenance plan and schedule annual inspections with a certified HVAC technician. If you're unsure of the decibel level of a particular model, contact the manufacturer for more information. It's important to understand the capacity of air conditioning systems and how they are measured in order to find the most suitable unit for your home.

If you don't need such precise control of your home's temperature settings, then buying a new climate system with a central thermostat should work just fine. Ask your contractor about energy efficient air conditioning systems and consider whether a heat pump might be a good option, since they both heat and cool. Regardless of the air conditioning system you buy, you'll need some level of maintenance to keep it in top operating condition for years to come. Investing in an air conditioning system that offers too little heating and cooling capacity will provide inadequate temperature control; buying one with the wrong size and capacity can reduce functionality and reduce energy efficiency. When shopping for a new HVAC system, it's important to consider all aspects of safety, cost, size, smart features, BTUs, decibel rating, maintenance plans, energy efficiency, and capacity. Doing so will ensure that you get the best possible unit for your home.

Terrence Mowles
Terrence Mowles

Lifelong web enthusiast. Amateur social media evangelist. Professional internet fan. Passionate burrito evangelist. General internet aficionado.